List of status of residence
Employment qualifications
Ambassadors, ministers, consuls general, members of delegations, etc. of foreign governments and their families
Employees of embassies and consulates of foreign governments, persons dispatched by international organizations, etc. on official business, and their families.
University professors, etc.
Composers, painters, writers, etc.
・Religious Activities
Missionaries dispatched from foreign religious organizations
Reporters and photographers for foreign news organizations
Employment status
・Highly Skilled Professional
Highly skilled human resources based on point system
・Business Manager
Managers/managers of companies, etc.
・Legal/Accounting Services
Lawyer, certified public accountant, etc.
・Medical Services
Doctors, dentists, nurses,midwife
Researchers from government-related organizations and private companies
Language teachers at junior high schools, high schools, etc.
・Engineer /Specialist in Humanities / International Services
Mechanical engineers, interpreters, designers, language teachers at private companies, marketing workers, etc.
・Intra-company Transferee
Transferees from foreign offices
・Nursing care
Care worker
Actors, singers, dancers, professional athletes, etc.
・Skilled Labor
Foreign cuisine cooks, sports instructors, aircraft pilots, craftsmen who process precious metals, etc.
・Technical Intern Traning
Technical intern trainee
・Specified Skilled Worker
foreign national engaged in work that requires skills that require a considerable degree of knowledge or experience in a specific industrial field
Residence status
・Permanent Resident
Persons who have received permission for permanent residence from the Minister of Justice (excluding “special permanent residents” under the Immigration Control Special Law).
・Spouse or Child of Japanese National
Japanese spouse, child, special adopted child
・Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident
Spouses and children of permanent residents and special permanent residents who were born in Japan and continue to reside in Japan
・Long-Term Resident
Refugees resettled in third countries, third-generation Japanese, Japanese left behind in China, etc.
Non-employment status
・Cultural Activities
Japanese culture researchers, etc.
・Temporary Visitor
Tourists, conference participants, etc
Non-employment status, landing permission criteria applicable
Students of universities, junior colleges, technical colleges, high schools, junior high schools, elementary schools, etc.
Spouse and children supported by foreign residents
・Specified Activities
Applicable examples are domestic servants such as diplomats, working holidays, foreign nurse/care worker candidates based on economic partnership agreements, etc.
Please refer to this pages.
Please feel free to contact us if you need anything.